How To Plan A Same-Sex Wedding - Your LGBTQ Wedding Guide

Confused about how to have the wedding of your dreams inside the ‘same-sex wedding’ paradigm? Do you find that most wedding guides focus on traditional wedding planning and you’re looking for a checklist or a plan that can help you actualize the kind of wedding that fits with your personality and aesthetic? Then this is the guide for you.

Lesbian brides cutting ivory wedding cake

The Preliminaries

Don’t buy into the traditional wedding preset, as a same-sex couple, you can absolutely flaunt your individuality and uniqueness and do things your way! Both spouses can purchase engagement rings for each other rather than just one partner wearing one. You can also decide on whether you even want an engagement or would just prefer to get married straight away. Maybe both of you are keen to propose and you can do it together by sitting down and telling each other all the little quirks you love about that person. Reinvent the wheel as a same-sex couple and let the world wonder.


This may come as a surprise but when it comes to venues or bookings for other wedding-related services, all vendors may not be experienced with same-sex weddings or may be ignorant about some aspects. If you find this to be the case, know that a quick discussion with the vendor will usually clear matters up, although ideally, you should opt for a vendor with experience in the area.

You can find tons of helpful reviews online from LGBTQ and gay couples in your area that used certain services for their wedding. This or word-of-mouth recommendations usually are your best source for unbiased information. Even when it comes to the officiant, make sure you have a meeting beforehand and are also well-versed on the laws of your state, city, or country to avoid any hiccups on your special day.


Craft Your Own Tapestry

Even regular traditional weddings mix and match traditions, cultures, and elements, so no one believes in conforming these days! If you want to have a Hindu Diwali-style set up for your wedding, with colorful smoke bombs and henna, go for it, and don’t let anyone get in the way. It’s up to you to reclaim the narrative and weave your own tapestry of what your wedding will look like and stand for.

You also don’t need to follow formal wedding etiquette like having a separate side for each partner’s friends and family, you can totally mix up seating, the food and add fun elements. Who wants a neutral palette of white and pink for a whole wedding? However, if you do, you can go right ahead and follow your heart.

same-sex male couple kissing


Attire is another tricky decision for some same-sex couples. Who wears the dress or the tux etc? The solution is simple, let your personality decide the wedding attire. You probably need a formal touch to the clothing but beyond that, there is no compulsion on the white dress and the black or blue tux. Use all the colors of the rainbow if you have to!

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